UX Cabin is a design agency based in Cleveland, Ohio. Being fully remote brings challenges to onboarding and setting employees up for success. This design sprint creates a digital solution to onboarding issues a smaller company has.
5 day sprint
User interviews
Affinity mapping
User Flows
Usability testing
David Applebee
Karen Mork
Joe Montero
Muneerah Rahman
Initial interviews
Our goal was to have each intern interview an employee at UX Cabin and gain foundational knowledge of our users needs and wants through this sprint.
David - Veronica Lopez (Associate Designer)
Joe Montero - Travisse Hansen (Senior Designer)
Muneerah - Andrea Mckinley (Associate Designer)
Karen Mork - Beth Morrison (Marketing)
Veronica Lopez Interview
Themes and Takeaways
1. Users desired a structured onboarding framework so that they are able to guide themselves during onboarding tasks without outside assistance.
2. Having an HR contact point person was desired.
3. FAQ document or a resource hub would benefit new hires. Allowing multiple questions to be answered in one space.
Affinity mapping of user interviews
Day 1 (Map)
UX Cabin is a smaller design agency, with only one management level employee that is not regarded as HR or point of contact. The team of interns were asked to create a digital product that improves UX Cabin onboarding.
First, we established what we were trying to solve by understanding who and what our users needed. After this we began brainstorming what to solve for. For time's sake we voted on what seemed to be most important to users.
Then we organized "How might we". This is important very every step hereafter because we are establishing a goal. Our stakeholder "Seth" wanted to have a digital product that helps smoothly onboard new employees.
Brainstorming notes
Organizing HMW
User flow for ideal onboarding
Conclusion of this day results in Flow of user.
1. Hired with email with video link to UX Cabin website
2. Able to sign in signing all required documents
3. Able to navigate to onboarding tasks
4. Given questions arise ability to ask questions and see a FAQ page
Prototype link
Full report
Day 2 (Sketch)
Day 2 we come to the point where we begin sketching out out user flows. Crazy 8's was implemented on this day to help the team move forward with a design.
We wanted to know the best possible outcome for our product. Will be building an app? desktop? or a portal? We decided on collaborative thought processes to use existing UX Cabin website. Adding a portal for employees to be onboarded and able to view everything in one place.
Each Intern drew a flow of onboarding looks and tasks. These sketches were shown to our stakeholder in regards to which flow he liked the best.
Day 3 (Decide)
Majority of our design sprint has been torn between what the user needs are, our time constraints, and deciding which course of action is best to pursue.
Seth Likes
HR buddy/ HR helper pairings
welcome video
projects you'll be working on
Team Likes
intro video to UX Cabin
"Let's get started" feature
"Congrats you're all set" at the end
Welcome email with login details & video
Resource and tasks tiles are organized by sections
"Meet the team" page has your contact person/ buddy highlighted
calendar at the end for your meeting with your buddy
Checklist function
percentage tracking/ progress bar for completion
FAQ page
Help center support page
past projects (Seth preferred - assigned projects)
Voted Features
FAQ page with forum at bottom
Calendar meeting set with HR buddy
progress bar for completion of tasks
Projects page
"Congrats you're done"
email greeting w video & info
tiles for tasks, etc (categories)
Our flow that our user will take and will test with usability testing.
Rapid mockups completed by all four interns
Time to make a decision and begin building out our prototype.
Team settled on what you see below
Day 4-5 (Prototype/ Test)
Prototype link
What I learned
Design sprints are a challenge to begin with. Solving our problem and how we can build a digital product is only of piece of the puzzle. Organizing data and notes with other members of your team can be another beast altogether. This sprint further polished my remote collaborating skills. Never sacrificing quality, but knowing when to make cuts and push on other areas. Thank you for reading!
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